Anton Semenchenko
Parallel run of Automated tests is not just a wish, but a real necessity, standard task which sooner or later any project meets. Sometimes, parallel run becomes very difficult or even not possible task. How to avoid that situation? What recommendations are used for paralleling tests, what tools are better to use and what architecture for automated tests should be chosen at the beginning? We'll try to answer all those pertinent questions and of course will look at a ton of examples to consolidate the proposed material. Part 2: We've already talked about "good" ways of parallel run of automated tests. Let's start from the opposite and talk about 10 ways of "bad" – hard, slow, expensive, not effective parallel run of tests on real examples. Our discussion is devoted to failed approaches, detailed argumentation and recommendations how and why the problem could and should be solved the other way. Come join us, it's going to be interesting.