Vyacheslav Alenkov
We are used to executing tests with a push of a button. Checks are done automatically with every commit, statistics are gathered all by themselves, bugs are opened semi-automatically. It's all usual in the software development.
Now imagine you have to test a nuclear power plant: not only its software, but all of its components. Of course no one can build a plant and then move its wall because of some troubles with the ventilation. So the real world processes are more and more digitalized.
How would you like a commit comment «Move the main wall 2 metres to the North»? While designing and testing a nuclear power plant a wholly digital approach is used: an information model is created and V-Model is applied to it. So the plant is turned into a replicable digital object. Testing and launching of modern nuclear power plants is done digitally, and only after that builders start their work using the same digital models.
This talk will let you know what a modern information system is like and how development and testing of «epic» objects like a nuclear power plant are conducted.