Kirill Merkushev

Kirill Merkushev


From the school days very interested in Unix and IT in general, so while applying to SUAI he chose the most common IT specialization "Сomputing machines, complexes systems and networks" .

While studying at university, managed to work as an "anykey specialist", a freelancer and a system administrator. Then caught on a chance to work as a testing automation intern at Yandex. Now he works at Yandex for 5 years, for the last couple years as a head of group of test and development processes automation. Has already organised a lot of processes on many projects. Wrote a few test frameworks, and successfuly got rid of them later. Worked with test projects ranging from 1k to 1kk lines of code.

Open source adept, contributor to lot of small libraries for testing purposes. Nowadays maintainer of GitHub plugin for Jenkins. Knows Java and JavaScript. Can Python and a bit Golang.

Talks from 2017 Piter season

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