8/10 developers don’t really know how to test their apps and write testable code. From practically writing code to test genuine production level scenarios with different approaches to incredibly optimising your tests cases, we will see what’s new in Android Test Support Library 1.0 and how to test on multiple devices:
- important testing guidelines;
- Espresso and Robolectric (in and out, crisp and to the point);
- making code highly testable using MVVM, repository pattern and data binding and Dagger 2;
- genuine production level scenarios testing demos;
- common mistakes made by developers resulting in inefficient test driven development which leads to de-prioritization of TDD;
- will be showing this with the following three approaches using Dagger 2: a) using Robolectric (JVM based without needing a device or emulator) b) using Espresso (unit instrumentation tests) c) testing the ViewModel (purely JVM based);
- performance analysis of these testing techniques, which one to choose and when;
- testing on multiple devices;
- testing migrations and queries in Room DB;
- lots and lots of code snippets.