Artem Eroshenko
Company: Qameta Software
Modern methods for coverage measuring are good only for development. However, the amount of useful information from coverage reports is extremely small. One the one hand all code lines weren't involved during tests. On the other hand, the only important information is the percentage of coverage. And we are not interested in the absolute value, but we want a delta with the previous one. Artem will present some simple solutions that allow you to evaluate the coverage of tests written by test automation.
All this is sent to the plugin. We draw elements on the page that were affected during these tests. Plus additional information: the list of tests on the video page.
As a result, we can answer the next questions very quick:
Connected to Selenium. It can be easily completed for the puppeteer and for anything else. It will be convenient to understand what is being checked and why.
Company: Qameta Software