Don't wait for messages, get them: Asynchronous performance testing
In Russian
The talk about the development of plugins for Gatling and performance testing through RabbitMQ and solving technical problems and creating new ones.
The talk is based on the Raiffeisen Business Platform team experience in asynchronous microservices performance testing that receives requests through RabbitMQ using the AMQP protocol and respond to RabbitMQ.
Gatling was chosen as the tool for loading. During the writing of tests the next technical problems were solved:
- how to load through RabbitMQ when there is no plugin for AMQP;
- how to write an optimal Gatling script that will not consume gigabytes of RAM;
- how to effectively measure the duration from the moment a message is sent in one queue to the moment the message appears in another queue and not to forget the moment the message appears in the time queue;
- how to log asynchronous operation, what approach to choose to split a dozen scenarios within a single Gatling test.