
ORM approach to testing microservices

In Russian
Presentation pdf

At a summer online conference in a 15-minute interview, Roman already talked about the problems of testing a large number of microservices with small forces and about the lack of a unified approach. He also told about the approach of the Wargaming Arsenal Platform internal framework. This time he will demonstrate it at work and you can try out its capabilities.

We'll talk about:

  • the need to build a model/entity role;
  • building relationships between entity roles/models through transports (HTTP, AMQP, DB, etc.);
  • why we should describe a data model at all and what the transformation of the model fields gives;
  • how it will look in tests and how you will have a set of parameterized smoke tests;
  • how this approach will affect atomicity and flexibility in case of changes in business requirements.

Technological stack: Python, HTTP, AMQP, SQL, pytest. The talk will be of interest to those people who often work with microservice testing and it seems to them that an outsider will not be able to understand the connection between their tests and the project.

  • #microservices
  • #orm
  • #python
  • #wargaming


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