
Math behind the movie screen

In Russian

What do Billie Eilish, Chris Hemsworth, Al Pacino, and Olga Buzova have in common? KeenTools were used on their faces. These are object and face tracking tools used to create visual effects by all of the largest post-production studios in the world.

Roman will tell you how the processing pipelines are arranged in film and video. Why is it like programming and where does data analysis come in. You will learn about the tracking task, and why almost no frame in modern blockbusters can do without solving it. What are the ways of solving this problem and why in the cinema it is impossible to create a "make it beautiful" button.

Of course, we'll talk about neural networks and deepfakes. And about quality, with the difference that in IT the quality is determined by the user, but in the cinema, it is the viewer and our eyes.

  • #chromakey
  • #motion_capture
  • #motion_tracking


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