
Transparent test markup is the key to stable deployment

  • In Russian

At the first stage of test automation not many people pay attention to test markup. They usually concentrate on technical solutions, architecture and indeed, if there are less than few hundred tests, you stay calm. But the more tests you get, the more questions you have, for example:

– How to mark up tests so that testers, test automizers and analysts are at the same page? – How to minimize the set of tests and run it? – Is it worth uniting API and UI tests with the same markup?

The earlier you begin to answer them, the easier your life will be when you have a large test base. Ivan will answer these questions and show technic implementation on Java stack. Of course you may take these ideas and solve issues at other stacks.

The talk will be interesting for testers and test automizers.

  • #junit
  • #test cases
  • #test_packs
  • #test_suites
  • #traceability


Invited experts
