Talk type: Talk

Project needs refactoring? Here's the IDEA!

  • Talk in Russian
Presentation pdf

Artem works as a team leader for several test automation teams, and he often has to deal with code refactoring in bulk. When developing a plug-in for IDEA he noticed an API which can do refactoring. This API's strength is that we know everything about the code we work with: all kinds of the variables and classes usage, annotations signature, etc. Artem got an idea to make plug-in which will ease the project refactoring when switching from one version of the library to another.

In this session, Artem will tell how this API works and give several examples of migration (from Allure 1 to Allure 2, from jUnit4 to jUnit 5) and synchronization of the code and Jira tickets (test cases).

  • #best practices
  • #tools

