
Artificial intelligence for testing in Candy Crush Saga

  • На английском языке
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Комментарий Программного комитета:

Бывают ситуации, когда вместо того, чтобы пытаться сделать набор тестов, проще научить нейронную сеть проводить их самой. Разве не мечта?

Candy Crush Saga is one of the biggest mobile games today and there's a huge demand for new levels in addition to the existing 2,000 levels. With frequent releases of new levels, the challenge to regression test all levels to make sure they are ok is increasingly more difficult for each release.

Alexander will describe how King tackles this task with the help of AI and existing test frameworks. He will share valuable takeaways leaving attendees with a better understanding of how AI can help with testing that's getting too difficult to master with traditional testing techniques.

  • #ai
  • #gamedev
  • #mobile

