Patching Facebook WDA and Inspector. Functional, automated testing iOS
The problems we faced after Xcode 8 release, how we solved them and how it affected our iOS testing infrastructure.
Alexey Makhov
The problems we faced after Xcode 8 release, how we solved them and how it affected our iOS testing infrastructure.
This talk will examine disadvantages of two most popular BDD libraries for Java
What are the differences between the multiple ways systems can be tested, and which one is the most suitable for you?
A tool for generating simple and clear autotest reports gets a new version
Practicing load testing a web service using open-source and free of charge tools from Yandex.
Tired to write one more http client to test your service? Your project is mostly objects, getters, setters and builders for them? Boring? Try the best way to solve it — code generation!
In Hollywood movies hackers look fantastic, but it does not quite apply to scaling security to large, modern infrastructures. This talk is a travel diary of the years spent looking for a different, non Hollywood-way to scale security testing.
The talk is about writing cross-platform native-mobile, hybrid, and web application UI automation using Appium.
Let’s apply some popular automation design patterns, think out of the box and cleanse our karma.
Vinogradov IT-Beratung
Running through all known patterns in the area of test automation and describing them in details with several practical samples.
XP Injection
JUnit 5 is the new major version of the programmer-friendly testing framework for Java 8. In this talk that will include live-coding, we'll learn how to write tests using the new Jupiter API.
Concrete actions that will help you to become a better tester
House of Test GmbH
From the beginning to the end: why mock your data, what approaches exist, implementation details of different components and how it affects the project.
Sanitizers (Address, Leak, Memory, Thread, UB), what we need them for and how to use them.
In this talk we will cover how Protractor helps with writing Selenium tests for Angular applications, how JavaScript can surprise us in the process, and by what means we can avoid it.
Grid Dynamics