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    Web security testing starter kit

    We'll cover the simple course of action that allows you to make your web application safer: how to search for vulnerabilities, what threats to users and services they may contain and so forth.

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    10 000 000 of tests a day

    This is a story about building a dam against the never-ending flood of millions of tests which turned out to be not that scary. You are very welcome to join and see it for yourself.

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    Atlas is your new PageObject guide

    We’ll speak about the shortcomings of the first implementations of Html Elements and why we refused to use any existing solutions and created our own. I’ll show the functionality on which Atlas is based, how it transformed old projects and how to use existing extension points for your own projects.

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    Testing in the modular world

    I'll start with a basic introduction to JUnit 5 and the JPMS (Java Platform Module System) and then present the three approaches for executing tests when using the JPMS from the command line. 

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    Shipping is a risky business

    We’ll recast the software development lifecycle as a conversation about risk. We’ll discuss the position of testers in a team, the role of testing, and the place that automation has in the conversation that is software development as a mechanism for assuaging the fear of risk.

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    Enterprise Automation with Selenium and why it has very little to do with Selenium

    This talk shows cases with many practical examples how test automation with Selenium boils down to being a full-blown software project, along with the major pitfalls that prevent teams to build a scalable and reliable automation solution with the Selenium tool family. You'll also learn how to apply a lean approach in making test automation with Selenium a full success.

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    Testers as their own worst enemies

    In order to keep up testers' reputation and the image of the testing profession, we'll point the way towards developing technical skills, socials skills, and most importantly thinking skills that can build respect for testing and increase testers’ effectiveness.

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    Automated testing of legacy code: methods of safe refactoring

    We'll look at the basic approaches to refactoring in order to cover the legacy code with automated tests, and also consider their interaction. You will learn how to choose solutions that allow you to make reliable changes by creating a "reliability grid" around the modifiable module.

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    Petri nets based testing

    We'll touch on how we started moving from usual tests to model-based testing, what problems we faced during this transition, why we use Petri net instead of state and what we ended up with. The talk is illustrated with examples of Petri nets and plenty of Ruby code.

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    The logic of verification

    We'll outline the logic of verification and ways in which we might be vulnerable to false premises and misleading conclusions about it. We’ll also identify ways that we can address those problems by embedding verification in a larger system of testing, experimentation and critical thinking.

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    How to build a testing pyramid

    We'll discuss how to layer tests respectively in order to build a pyramid, multiple pyramids, application architecture choice, as well as which kinds of mocks aid in building good-quality testing and which don't.

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    Testing with a crowd

    We'll look at our Yandex experience in setting up crowdtesting and highlight major steps of this process: how to select and train performers; how to control quality; how to prepare the infrastructure for testing with a crowd; how to combine crowd force with highly qualified in-house QA specialists.

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    VK beta testing

    We'll look at how beta testing in VK started, how we test major updates and completely new products, our tools and platform, how to manage 12 thousand testers, handle tens of thousands of bug reports and effectively integrate beta testing into the product development process.

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    Remote iOS device server: scaling iOS testing

    Come and learn how easy it is to run tests in parallel with tools like fbsimctl and how separating tests from infrastructure might ease adoption of your tests, maintenance, and scaling of infrastructure.

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    Kotlin DSL: theory and practice

    We'll cover the main tools from developers' armory and show how we can combine them to solve testing tasks. Together we'll go all the way from designing the Perfect Test till launching the cleanest and clearest test possible for the system of sources planning based on Kotlin.