
Workshop. Selenide for Python in 2 hours. Part 2

In Russian

Within 2 hours we will analyze the architecture and write in Python from scratch the core of a wrapper around Selenium Webdriver with API in the style of Selenide/Selene, along the way, focusing on the usefulness of all added features. And we'll learn what is not enough in Selenium WebDriver for the effective implementation of high-level user-oriented UI tests.

As a result, the participants will understand how the "selenides" work inside, which will make it possible to use these libraries more optimally in projects. Even finalize your framework, refactor it, or implement a wrapper to be less dependent on third-party libraries. Also, open the doors of contribution to relevant open source projects and gain important experience for their engineering growth.

To prepare for the workshop, you will need an IDE (such as PyCharm) and a Python language at least 3.8 installed on your system.

Make sure you can create a simple project, install the selenium webdriver + webdriver_manager package and check that the simple "open page" script works.

Beginning automators can just watch the workshop, and viewers with experience writing tests in Python can repeat after the author.

This is more convenient if you have either two monitors or one large monitor - that way you can both watch the broadcast and type code in the editor. Those who have written in other languages and want to take a Python workshop should know the language before the workshop. For example, read and work with Selenium commands in PyCharm.

What happens in the workshop can be repeated in any other language.

  • #frameworks
  • #python
  • #selenium
  • #workshop


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