
Workshop. Redefining Web UI test automation approach

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

Modern Web UI's can be so complex that they need to be treated as separate subsystems. It means that the testing approach needs to be fully featured. When Deutsche Bank started developing a new stack they decided to use only good practices and get rid of costs. The team started doing unit tests as development progressed. However, during the active development of the application, they just got in the way and imposed a technical tax. Then, they decided to take a risk and focus on the optimal level like component tests and get the most out of it.

During this workshop Maksim will answer the next questions:

  • Why you should start with the component tests?
  • Why did their teams stop writing unit tests for React-controls, redux reducers, and services?

Preparing for the workshop: You'll need an IDE such as VSCode and the ability to switch through git history. Any Git UI will do, such as GitExtensions / SmartGit. Code: Branch: 2021-workshop

  • #enzyme
  • #jest
  • #react
  • #typescript
  • #workshop


Invited experts
