
Adding scripting language support to AFL and LibFuzzer with Lua as an example

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

One component of Tarantool is a Lua application server, which provides Lua API to the DBMS itself and four dozens of auxiliary modules. Until now, functionality testing with Lua has been limited to example-based testing. Randomized testing has been limited due to the lack of Lua support in fuzzers. The speaker implemented support for phasing Lua scripts in the popular American Fuzzy Lop and libFuzzer engines, which allowed finding problems that other tests did not find. 

The talk will be of interest to anyone who develops server software, is interested in randomized testing, or plans to add support for a new language in AFL or libFuzzer. Knowledge of Lua will not be required.

  • #afl
  • #c/c++
  • #fuzzing
  • #libfuzzer
  • #lua
  • #property-based_testing
  • #рандомизированное_тестирование
  • #тестирование_с_помощью_свойств


Invited experts
