Watch recording

Mikhail Chumakov
I have been testing professionally for over 10 years, and non-professionally – for the rest of the time. Throughout my career, I have worked both in large corporations and small startups. I built teams, automated, trained colleagues and was responsible for quality.
I love to learn new things and self-education.
Previous talks
- Watch recording
- Watch recordingInterview
Interview with Richardas Ralys
Ricardas Ralys
Company: Quantori
Mikhail Chumakov
Company: SkyHive
Evgeny Trifonov
Company: JUG Ru Group
- Watch recordingConversation
Tutorial: watch the conference like a pro
Vsevolod Brekelov
Company: Synthesized
Anna Chernyshova
Company: EPAM
Mikhail Chumakov
Company: SkyHive
- Watch recordingConversation
Heisenbug internals
Vsevolod Brekelov
Company: Synthesized
Ivan Ponomarev
Company: Synthesized / MIPT
Anna Chernyshova
Company: EPAM
Mikhail Chumakov
Company: SkyHive
- Watch recordingWorkshop
Workshop. Improving your integration testing efforts with consumer-driven contract testing. Part 2
Bas Dijkstra
Company: Inspired Testing
- Watch recordingWorkshop
Workshop. Improving your integration testing efforts with consumer-driven contract testing. Part 1
Bas Dijkstra
Company: Inspired Testing
- Watch recording
- Watch recording
- Watch recordingTalk
Advanced automated visual validation testing
Shweta Sharma
Company: Axelerant Technologies Pvt. Ltd.