Ask Expert

Ask Expert: Discuss Your Question with an Expert

Main Space
  • In Russian

We'll be hosting a series of 40-minute 1-on-1 sessions with industry experts on the Heisenbug conference floor. You'll be able to discuss your project and ask questions. On a one-to-one basis and in a chamber setting.

Click on the experts to see their specialisation.

Any participant with an offline ticket can apply for an expert session. To do so you can fill out the registration form. Once the form is completed, we will pass the request to an expert. The experts will select the most interesting questions and schedule a time to meet. We will contact you to let you know about the expert's decision.

You can sign up with more than one expert, in which case you will need to fill out the form more than once.

It is better to formulate your questions to the expert as precisely and completely as possible. This will motivate to make a choice in your favour.

The form will be open until the maximum number of participants is reached.

Invited experts
