Watch recording

Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Andrey graduated from SPbU "Mathematics and Mechanics" faculty. He was developing a graphical stack of JDK libraries (AWT/Swing/JavaFX) for few years in Sun and Oracle. Andrey supervised the development team in QuickOffice, was responsible for the functionality QuickPoint component, worked as a manager of load testing group in NetCracker.
Currently, Andrey is the production department lead at JUG Ru Group.
Talks from 2022 Autumn season
- Watch recording
- Watch recording
Other talks
- Watch recordingConversation
Heisenbug 2023 Autumn Opening
Julia Atlygina
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Avenir Voronov
KORUS Consulting
- Watch recording
- Watch recording
- No record
- Watch recording
- Watch recording
- Watch recording
- Talk
What should a tester know in 2018?
Alexander Khozya
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Mikalai Alimenkou
XP Injection
Nikita Makarov
- Talk
Testing performance and searching for bottlenecks
Andrey Satarin
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Vsevolod Brekelov
JUG Ru Group
Alexey Lavrenuke
Vladimir Sitnikov