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Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Andrey graduated from SPbU "Mathematics and Mechanics" faculty. He was developing a graphical stack of JDK libraries (AWT/Swing/JavaFX) for few years in Sun and Oracle. Andrey supervised the development team in QuickOffice, was responsible for the functionality QuickPoint component, worked as a manager of load testing group in NetCracker.
Currently, Andrey is the production department lead at JUG Ru Group.
Talks from 2022 Spring season
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Other talks
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Heisenbug 2023 Autumn Opening
Julia Atlygina
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Avenir Voronov
KORUS Consulting
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- Watch recording
Heisenbug 2023 Autumn Closing
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
- No record
Coding Battle
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
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- Watch recording
- Watch recording
- Watch recording
Simple and clear about storage testing
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Denis Bozhkov
Dell Technologies
What should a tester know in 2018?
Alexander Khozya
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Mikalai Alimenkou
XP Injection
Nikita Makarov
Testing performance and searching for bottlenecks
Andrey Satarin
Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group
Vsevolod Brekelov
JUG Ru Group
Alexey Lavrenuke
Vladimir Sitnikov