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OKR: How to Achieve Ambitious Goals in Theory and Practice
Pavel Stoyanov
Company: Tinkoff
Daniil Tetyushin
Company: SberHealth
Maxim Yatskevich
Company: Product Psychology
Ruslan Ostropolskiy
Company: Yoonion
Company: SberHealth
Certified OKR Master. In IT for more than 10 years, of which 5 years he uses OKR in his work. Helped to implement both in product teams and in development horizons. Particularly extensive implementation experience in QA teams (MTS / VK / Yula).
He made a presentation at OKR Russia "How OKR can be a tool for creating a virtual team." Nowadays implements OKR in Sberzdorovye.
Company: Tinkoff
Company: SberHealth
Company: Product Psychology
Company: Yoonion
Company: SberHealth