
How to Tame the Autotest Monster, or Dependency Injection in Autotests

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Do you write autotests? Your project with autotests is huge and monstrous, and adding each new service to it brings an unbearable desire to delete everything and write it again? Do you have a 3000+ lines of code base class with methods for all occasions? Or perhaps you had to fix multiple tests to add the same line in each of them?

If you answered yes to at least some of the questions, if they are familiar to you in general, or if you just want to optimize your test project for a long time, but don’t know where to start, this talk is for you! Using the example of a C# (.NET) test project, let's talk about patterns in testing and about Dependency Injection (Service Locator) in particular. About how to make a test project cleaner and more accurate. And let's not forget about its clarity, extensibility and flexibility.

  • #di
  • #dependency_injection
  • #container
  • #rrr
  • #register_resolve_release
  • #patterns
  • #autotests
  • #test_project
  • #dotnet
  • #castle_windsor
  • #test_framework


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