Тип доклада: Доклад

Tested for business: An open and transparent quality kit

  • Доклад на английском языке
Презентация pdf

Комментарий Программного комитета:

Как тестировать OpenJDK на совместимость с различными версиями ОС и фреймворками.

With the proliferation of OpenJDK binaries for a business to choose from, one factor in determining the selection is quality. How do you know your choice is up to snuff? The AdoptOpenJDK Quality Kit is an open and transparent verification story for OpenJDK binaries. A robust and adaptable test kit that can be utilized by any OpenJDK implementor, and represents the quality bar required by large-scale customers in enterprise environments. We test multiple freely available JDK implementations at AdoptOpenJDK and continue to refine this suite of tests to give the community access to high-quality binaries. 

Beyond a frank discussion starter on the criteria by which we measure quality, this talk summarizes the real quality requirements of enterprise customers and presents a compelling story for verifying and/or selecting your OpenJDK implementation.

  • #java
  • #tools

