• Talk

    Developing and testing with Google

    We'll discuss issues which might happen while using Google Cloud Standard Environment, how to test and avoid them, along with Google tools you can use in your own projects.

  • Talk

    Building your own test framework with Jenkins Pipeline and libraries

    I'll show you how to build Pipeline libraries for QA tasks and how to migrate existing projects to a new platform. We will integrate Docker, Maven, JUnit, FindBugs, Coverity into our framework and then implement parallelization of tests and others stages. Then we will talk about common obstacles and the best-known development, testing and maintenance approaches to such frameworks.

  • Talk

    Automate the impossible: blending the best of Android drivers

    You'll learn how to get the best of Appium, Calabash or any other tool when you only start using them and how to fix the limitations. This talk covers speaker's encounter with this problem, the real use-case, it's solution and the options for dealing with these issues. 

  • Talk

    How to check a system without running it

    We'll explain how we test configuration and how far it was useful for our project. This talk will be helpful for those who want to learn an easy way to increase system stability and availability in production.

  • Talk

    How to build your own test automation framework?

    We will go through the core building blocks of test automation frameworks and how they are playing together. You will learn how to assemble your test automation toolchain out of open source libraries and how to integrate them together.

  • Talk

    Autotests in World of Tanks: bots as guards of quality

    We will cover the common challenges and approaches in the game QA automation area using the World of Tanks project as an example, and show how we came to the "bot-net". We'll focus more on how to build an infrastructure and environment for the autotests rather than how to write tests for games.

  • Talk

    Testcontainers: Docker, Docker, Docker… and tests

    How to tame Docker using Testcontainers library that let you run Docker containers with popular databases, Selenium browsers and everything that works on Docker from your tests, making it cross-platform and fast. With an opportunity to run it locally or on CI servers without any changes.

  • Talk

    Loading time testing and results visualisation of web games

    We'll cover all needed blocks to build a fully automated testing pipeline for web games loading time testing (with Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, Appium, Zaproxy, Linux traffic control, Jenkins and Docker), what are the most important metrics, what kind of data we can collect and how we can store it, as well as tests results visualisation which can be applied to a much larger scope than web games loading testing using such tools as InfluxDB and Grafana.

  • Talk

    BDD’s rose-colored approach

    This talk is about technical solutions which we have managed to develop and implement. There is an explication of the BDD library that allows us to deliver a feature completely covered by autotests with relevant documentation for a week-long sprint.

  • Talk

    Staging and differential testing for regression testing

    In this talk, you'll find out how to create a testing process with a Prod Parallel version and what advantages and disadvantages it has. I will tell you about my own experience of such testing and will use his testing of one trading platform component as an example.

  • Talk

    How to run a lot of parallel UI tests using Selenium Grid?

    How to run lots of parallel UI tests using Selenium Grid, register a really big number of nodes, get more speed and fault tolerance in case Grid is not responding, refresh your Grid without downtime so that all the running tests won't fall, along with not keeping thousands of Selenium configurations in a memory and much more.

  • Talk

    Selenide Puzzlers

    We've come up with half a dozen interesting Selendine questions from real-life projects with a list of options for you to choose. All correct answers will be explained, also the practical application of the knowledge gained from the solution will be demonstrated.

  • Talk

    Developer + tester = quality++

    In this talk, we'll discuss the motivation for developer and tester to work in pairs, real practices and approaches at different stages of tasks solving, along with advantages of such pair work for both sides.

  • Talk

    Pandora's white box

    After this talk, you'll learn how not to let developers write wrong code, how to implement falls into a code without getting too much pain, why you need source code parsing, along with the importance of social code analysis and coverage.

  • Talk

    Your A/B tests are broken

    In this talk, we’ll review several common problems that exist in split-testing systems. We’ll also provide ways to check if these problems are present in your system.

  • Talk

    Testing Tools

    The main goal of this talk is to show you the instruments which help to increase the test coverage in order to speed up the work of manual testers, analysts developers and many others.

  • Talk

    Truths about technical testing

    Alan Page will share examples of some of the most practical testing tools, discuss the power of building a broad tester toolbox and explain how testers can provide their technical background in order to provide massive value to their teams. 

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    Performance testing of web applications at browser side (JavaScript, rendering)

    We'll learn the way to measure browser-related response times (JavaScript, rendering, AJAX), and why response times from Selenium are not suitable for performance validation. We’ll check if boomerang.js solves the problem, highlight important aspects of browser-related performance monitoring, as well as learn how to measure response times in presence of AJAX requests coming in parallel.

  • Talk

    The (Ab)use and misuse of test automation

    Alan will share strategies for successful automation, the challenge of flaky tests, the perils of UI automation, and many other tips based on experience in test and test automation across dozens of high volume products.

  • Talk

    Scaling Selenium

    In this talk, we'll follow the journey of a test suite from its first test all the way up to running hundreds of tests in parallel.