
How to Easily Test Client-server Interactions Using WebSocket as an Example

Room 2In Russian

Testing WebSocket interactions has always been a big task under the asterisk. We decided to create a mechanism that will make it as easy as possible to write a huge number of autotests in projects with client-server interactions using realtime protocols

We'll discuss:

  • how to automate the process of client-server interaction without pain for all team members, even for those who do not want or cannot understand the technical side of the implementation of 'communication';
  • how we defeated hundreds of different scenarios of interaction using the WebSocket protocol in the test cases of our project and did not go crazy at the same time is an example of a confusing test case from our practice, and how our solution significantly simplified;
  • the use of the asyncio library in the pytest test framework;
  • how to apply the mechanism if you do not have web sockets, but, for example, only REST API (even so it is possible);
  • how to easily debug the created asynchronous mechanism.

I will also provide a link to a GitHub with a demo implementation of the mechanism so that you can easily try to implement it in your projects.

Join the talk, and we will discuss the approach and think about exactly how to implement it in your case.

